Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
Бостон был выбран кандидатом от США на проведение Олимпийских игр 2024 года. У 43% жителей Бостона от этого факта случился неиллюзорный баттхерт (впрочем, вполне понятный), вылившийся в чистейшей прелести чистейший образец эпистолярного жанра, адресованный Олимпийскому комитету.
The Olympic Village serves as the hub of athlete activity during the Games. It is where the athletes live, train and work. Boston has several universities in and around the city with dormitories, dining halls and facilities that could easily be transformed into an Olympic Village during the Games. That’s true.
But remember that Olympic athletes are extremely sexually active during the Games. Can the world risk Olympic athletes making it with Harvard and MIT students? Their spawn would be both super-athletic and highly intelligent with Olympic and Ivy League pedigrees. No one wants to live in a world with children that smug. Putting the Olympics in Boston would result in countless insufferable kids. All the kids we’d have to hate would be on you, IOC. Why must you make us hate children? WHY?
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The Olympic Village serves as the hub of athlete activity during the Games. It is where the athletes live, train and work. Boston has several universities in and around the city with dormitories, dining halls and facilities that could easily be transformed into an Olympic Village during the Games. That’s true.
But remember that Olympic athletes are extremely sexually active during the Games. Can the world risk Olympic athletes making it with Harvard and MIT students? Their spawn would be both super-athletic and highly intelligent with Olympic and Ivy League pedigrees. No one wants to live in a world with children that smug. Putting the Olympics in Boston would result in countless insufferable kids. All the kids we’d have to hate would be on you, IOC. Why must you make us hate children? WHY?
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