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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.

Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
Ннннну, и какая жопа накаркала репак альбома JJY?
Загадочный момент - почему о релизе пишут японские сайты, а корейские молчат? И, если эта версия для Японии, то не будет ли у трио проблем с авексом, контракт-то у них не аннулирован, а приостановлен. :hmm:

@темы: DBSK: JaeJoong, "красив, глазаст и жжет нон-стоп", DBSK: Junsu и все, что вы хотели знать о дельфинчиках, me: контора хочет наши деньги, DBSK: Yoochun и "he kissed her hand, she nearly died, etc., the usual"


Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
Singer/actor Eric, who was discharged from military service on 30 Oct, said at a press conference at the Sports Complex subway station, “I’m happy because I can annoy the other members who are still serving their military duties.” (SO SO TYPICAL OF HIM! LOL)

“2 years ago I was the first among the members to enlist, and they were having so much fun annoying me. Now that I’m the first to complete my military service, I can annoy them now and I’m really happy.”

“Especially Andy who has the most work, and Minwoo who has the longest time left, I must make fun of them as much as possible. We’ve been in touch with one another all this time during my service, so I don’t really think we need to meet up specially.”

(с) омона

Эрик! :heart::-D

И "Посейдон" в качестве камбэка.
Бог существует. :crzjump2:

@темы: kmusic: Shinhwa


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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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