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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
* Не знаю, модные ли тенденции виноваты или синхронное мышление стилистов, или два Лидера так подружились на съемках "Посейдона", что по магазинам ходят вместе, но...
Эрик на MVIO fashion show (Seoul Fashion Week) 30.03.2011:

(с) absolutshinhwa.wordpress.com

и Юнхо на MCM 2011 SPRING/SUMMER COLLECTION Fashion Show 31.03.2011:

(с) continuetvxq.com

* Ну и так как я не могу гипнотизировать монитор в одиночестве, то вот еще:

(с) continuetvxq.com

@темы: kmusic: DBSK, DBSK: Yunho, которого придумали боги, чтобы нам не было скучно, kmusic: Shinhwa


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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
"I've spent a lifetime having people of Dr.Fraser's stamp throw words like 'Bohemian' at me, but I truly believe that if I have a fault it's that I'm not as dirty-minded as most. They call me cynic and sceptic too, but that's because when I see a thing I call it what it is, not what I want it to be. If you spend your life on a moral hill-top, you see nothing but the mud below. If, like me, you live in the mud itself, you get a damned good view of clear blue sky and clean green hills above. There's none so evil-minded as those with a moral mission, and none so pure in heart as the depraved".
(c) Stephen Fry "The Hippopotamus"

@темы: me: татуировки на внутренней стороне век, books: quotes, me: внутреннее бусидо, Stephen Fry


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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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