
Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
- Behave yourself, would you? No homework. Watch some porn.

Never change, Dean. Never. :-D

@темы: tv: Supernatural, SPN: Дин Винчестер, вербует электорат и утешает несчастных


Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
Я все жду, когда же его отпустит. :-D

31.07.2010 в 19:58
Пишет  vomperko:

Unubore Deka
Чорт, Нагасе. :inlove::lol:

URL записи

@темы: JE: TOKIO


Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
И каждый раз, когда я уже свыклась с мыслью, что круче B'z уже не сделают, потому что нельзя сделать лучше идеального, они берут и делают. "Ain't no magic", huh? :heart:

Когда смотришь на Инабу на сцене и на то, как из него прямо-таки фонтанирует бешеная энергия, не верится, что ему почти 46 и ученая степень по математике. :heart:

@темы: jmusic: B'z, me: ювелирные инструменты и аптекарская ложечка, чтобы не перестараться с дозой любви


Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
Hwanhee will be releasing a new mini-album on August 5th

OH, GOD, YES! :crzjump2::crzjump2::crzjump2:

@темы: kmusic: Fly to the Sky


Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
Этим постом я направляю лучи поноса японским форумчанам.
Почему, ну почему, я вас спрашиваю, список ссылок на разбитый на 50 частей двойной двд они заливают на мегу, а сами части - на multiupload, rapidshare, deposit, zshare и uploading? Почему не на мегу?! АААААА!!!!!!1111 :apstenu:

@темы: me: долгий мат на родном языке


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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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Never let me find out what life would be like without you // The Villain. Better to keep alive till the last scene.
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